People are wondering, what is this secret society of individuals known as the Illuminati.. What is their secret all about? They are the bearers of the light, the ones that know what you are yet to find out. To illuminate means to provide or brighten with light... to enlighten intellectually or spiritually; enable to understand. The average man is living in the dark and its a shame to say it, but most people fear the light. Dark .. having very little or no light.. evil; wicked.. hidden; secrets. If you look at 100% of the world.. 85% of the population is considered sleep, and 10% of the world is considered corporate America. The 10% takes advantage of the 85%. Out of the 100%, there is only 5% that are aware of what the 10% is doing to the 85% and they often die trying to wake sleeping America up. People such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and other great leaders that put their lives on the line for the rights and the love of the sleeping 85%. Unites States of America is a corporation and once you say your from the United States, you are considered an employee. The Illuminati are the 10% who control and run this world. They own NBC, CBS, Radio 1, Clear Channel, almost every form of media outlet you can imagine. Sleeping Americans are consumers, and 10% creates new product lines for the 85% to purchase. We are so into buying material things to feel that sense of self accomplishment, similar to always trying to keep up with the Jones's. They own the outlets that brainwash sleeping America to do whatever they say, and people are walking robots trained to think only their way. People will sell their souls for greed, and greedy America has sold all the way out, greed, one of the 7 deadly sins. Pride is the sin of sins and we all have to much pride because it makes us feel complete. We turn our backs on each other and support their society. Remember in the Biblical days.. men slept with other men because they thought it was empowering to do so. People who crave power will just about do anything for it. Powerful people tend to compare their selves to God and feel that they don't have to respect anyone else but others like them, they can do whatever they want. They will not support your ideas if you are not like them, and because they sold their souls, they think every-man should do the same. An example.. if you go to work and down talk your boss.. no matter how good you are at performing your job, he is going to probably fire you. You have no freedom of speech when talking about them. They can talk about you, but once you talk about them, all hell breaks loose. We have to start looking at these powerful corporations and questioning their powers. As parents, we should be able to have an opinion on things such as the music they play on radio stations that manipulate the minds of our children. We have to stand up to these powers and tell them, we don't stand for it, and thats all it takes to address these Giants.
look at this http://bit.ly/9Gsju5